The Adventures of Young Thomas Edison.

The Edison Innovation Foundation, Newark, NJ, has developed a partnership with Nightstand Creations, Inc. whose president, Randy Rossilli, Jr. is a Newark native and lifelong fan of Thomas Edison. The partnership will be developing multiple properties under the Young Thomas Edison name. George Keegan of the Edison Innovation Foundation and co-creator of the property said, "We are excited about developing a new educational and entertaining program that inspires children to think inventively and families to be creative." For more information visit Young Thomas Edison online at: Below are two samples from The Adventures of Young Thomas Edison. Enjoy!


1 comment:

Ritaruth said...

Dear Mr. Attwood,

Thank you, Mr. Attwood,for having the vision to help inspire people learn more about the magnitude of Thomas Edison's contributions to our society.
However, many are unaware of how he embraced so many important values such as being curious and not giving up. The videos on this site are an excellent start to educating our children in the elementary schools. I especially liked "Ask Question!" and see it being utilized so many ways in out elementary classrooms.
Thanks again,
An Educator with Orange County Schools